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Valentine's Day coffee recipes to surprise that special someone

Posted on February 1, 2022

Valentine's Day is quickly approaching, and so is the pressure we put on ourselves to find the right way to express the love we have for those special to us.

If you find yourself lacking inspiration from Cupid, then maybe we could assist with some hearty coffee recipes. Most of these recipes also contain chocolate, which will certainly win the heart!

Below is a list of coffee recipes that we believe will convey the message of love to that special someone. You could even consider yourself to be that special someone, and treat yourself!

  1. This first recipe will have your loved one swooning over you. Impress that special someone with a delicious Red Velvet Latte! It doesn't require much, and you can top it off with any chocolate the heart desires.
  2. Cool off with your Valentine, and enjoy a mouth-watering Mocha Frappuccino. Not only is it delicious, but it's also easy to make, and doesn't cost an arm and a leg!
  3. It's time to get out the oven mitts and baking tray! This one is for the sweet-toothed chocolate brownie, and coffee lover. Ensure there's some ice cream in the freezer and you won't go wrong with these yummy Espresso Chocolate Brownies.
  4. This one doesn't call for any chocolate, but if you feel like cooking up a storm for your loved one/s this Valentine's Day, then give this coffee-marinaded roast chicken a shot. Watch out, your neighbours might come knocking if they get a smell of what's cooking!
  5. Nothing goes down quite like a slice of amazing cheesecake. This Coffee Cheesecake sure is a hit, plus you get to show some extra love by sprinkling some chocolate shavings on it!

If we were not able to list something that could blow you or your loved ones away, then have a look at our other recipes. Perhaps you have a hearty coffee-infused recipe you could suggest to us?

If you are just in need of some coffee, then click right here.