Many of us acknowledge the joy a good cup of coffee brings, after all, coffee is happiness in a cup! It is, however, very easy to forget that the beloved coffee machines that provide such joy, also need a little “happiness” from time to time.
The month of March celebrates International Day of Happiness, so while you find that inner happiness with a cup of your favourite, why not give your coffee machine the happiness it needs? This “Happiness” comes in the form of a good and proper cleaning.
The Hair-raising News
There is a lot you may not see with the eye (thankfully), but the question remains: “How clean is the inside of this dear coffee machine?”. A few experts took swabs of the inside of a machine and had them tested at Mérieux NutriSciences.
The swabs were taken of the brewing chamber in a Nespresso® machine; the front of the machine where the coffee brews and dispenses from. The results that came back were quite appalling, certainly nothing for your machine to be happy about and not what you would want in your next cup of java; traces of yeast, mould and bacteria were found inside the machine. These traces are by no means a call to reconsider how you brew your treasured hot drink.
The Good News
It isn’t all gloom and despair for your beloved machine. Thankfully, there is a magical cleaning capsule designed by Caffenu®, to penetrate and clean the inside of your coffee machine. The capsule has a unique foaming agent which cleans and flushes out old coffee residue and oils, as well as bacteria from the machine, restoring the previous joy your machine had when it was new.

Not only does your machine get to rejoice the glory of rejuvenation, but you get to experience the freshness of a clean coffee machine. We all deserve happiness, and that happiness may come in different forms for everyone; but for some, happiness comes from the little pleasures in life, such as a perfectly delicious cup of coffee.
If you have any concerns with regards to your machine type and cleaning, worry not; there are a range of cleaning capsules and products available for various machines. As said before, we all deserve happiness.