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Delving into the coffee roasts

Posted on November 9, 2020

Do you have a preference towards a specific roast, and choose it wisely, knowing what you’re getting? It turns out the different coffee roasts really make an impact on the taste you get with each cup, and in turn give you a different coffee “experience”. So just what kind of experience do you get with each roast?

Let’s start with the Light Roast! Light roast beans are typically light brown in colour, with a light body and no oil on the bean’s surface. Light roasts usually reach an internal temperature of 180°C – 205°C when roasted, and retain the most caffeine, offering a noticeable acidic taste and usually provide the floral and fruity flavours.

Medium Roast These roasts are brown in colour and tend to have no oil on the surface. The medium roasts have a medium acidity and body. This level of roast reaches internal temperatures between 210°C and 220°C and keeps many of the unique flavours of the coffee’s origin, while tapping into the caramel sweetness of a longer roast. The medium roast is said to be more appreciated for having a less intense and acidic taste but still boasting those delicious natural coffee flavours.

Dark Roast Dark roast beans are, you guessed it, dark in colour and roasted to reach an internal temperature of about 240°C and rarely exceed 250°C. These beans have a layer of oil on the surface and can be visible in the cup when brewed. The coffee will usually have a bitter and smoky taste, with a decrease in caffeine due to the bean being roasted for longer.

So, there you have it! The longer a bean roasts the more they lose flavours of their origin but take on more flavour of the roasting process, but also decrease in caffeine content which may not always be desired by caffeine chasers. Which roast do you prefer?