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Yummy Nutella Hot Chocolate

Posted on July 6, 2021

A cup of hot chocolate always manages to warm the soul and put a little smile on the face, assuring true comfort. If you are a fan of hot chocolate, and generally a lover of all things chocolate, then this recipe is for you (or a chocolate lover you know).

This recipe requires very little and is quick to whip up for you and those nearest and dearest.



  1. Heat milk in milk frother, or use your machine's steam wand. Even microwave your milk if you don't have a frother, by pouring milk into a microwave-safe jar, about halfway. Then seal the jar and shake for +-30 seconds. Then open the jar and microwave the milk in the jar for +-45 seconds.
  2. Brew 1 or 2 of the Hot Chocolate capsules into a mug.
  3. Add Nutella (or Chocnut spread) and mix.
  4. Add the heated, frothed milk.

Oomph it up (optional):

  1. Top it up with whipped cream.
  2. Decorate with some grated chocolate or marshmallows, or both!


To view the original recipe and a few more, click here.