Have you recently purchased your first Nespresso® coffee machine, and are now wondering which pods/capsules are best suited for it? Perhaps you have found a few enticing Nescafe® Dolce Gusto® capsules flavours you would like to try. However, one question remains: “Do Nescafe® Dolce Gusto® coffee pods work in my Nespresso machine?”.
The difference between Nescafe® and Nespresso®
It can get super confusing if we may say so ourselves. Nestlé® is the overall company which owns both brands namely Nescafe® Dolce Gusto® and Nespresso®. Unfortunately, even though they sound similar and are owned by the same company, the actual capsule systems are very different and not interchangeable. Which basically means that Nescafe® Dolce Gusto® or Dolce Gusto® compatible coffee capsules do not fit in Nespresso® coffee machines. The Nescafe® capsules are wider at the rim and shaped more like a bowl (left hand side) whereas Nespresso® pods are much slimmer (right hand side). See the difference below.

Dolce Gusto® Capsule Nespresso® Capsule
Due to the contrasting shape and size, it would be brew-less purchasing Nescafe® capsules for your Nespresso® machine and vice versa. So just ensure to look for the right name for your specific machine when purchasing capsules. On the bright side, if enticing flavour or something new is what you seek with your Nespresso® or Dolce Gusto® machine, then you’re in luck, because we have South Africa’s Biggest Coffee Variety no matter for which coffee machine!
Still deciding which coffee machine to get?
There is pros and cons for either getting a Nespresso® or a Dolce Gusto® machine. If you prefer very large cups of coffee, a Dolce Gusto® would probably be better suited, however the truth is you get way more variety when it comes to capsules for a Nespresso® machine.
No matter the machine though, you can find whatever coffee your taste buds desire, from an exciting Nespresso® compatible Sampler Pack made up of all the favourites, to a delicious Flavoured Coffee Selection. Or if you own a Nescafe® machine, here is a delicious Dolce Gusto® compatible Full Range Variety. We got you covered!