th of July 2014 – 09am: Gaynor Echardt and her family are on their way to hand out slipper socks to the senior citizens at Lily Haven – Home for aged in Bonteheuwel. Since last year in July 2013 they have been working hard towards this day – Mandela Day. Together with her sister Leigh Pollio and her mother Phia McKinnon, they knitted an unbelievable 145 pairs of slipper socks. “We were able to give slipper socks to 130 senior citizens, the kitchen staff and even additionally to 10 teenagers at a childrens home,” Gaynor confirms. “After one year of knitting almost every day, the best thing is to see the smile on people´s faces when you hand it over.”

top: Gaynor hands over slippers
Gaynor Echardt has been with Coffee capsules direct since the start of the company. “We are very proud to have such a loving and giving person as part of our Team,” says Judy Walter, Marketing Manager of the company. “To see what Gaynor and her family put together makes all of us very proud. They not only donated 67 minutes but an entire year to make so many people happy!” “It all started in 2012 when my father Pietie McKinnon was ill with cancer,” says Gaynor. “My family and I started knitting at his bedside. After he passed away we continued in his honor.”

Each year a different person decides what the project for the next year is going to be. “Phia decided on the slipper socks last year,” explains Gaynor. This year her sister Leigh voted for baby blankets. “A nurse told me that it makes her so sad to see newborns leave the hospital without even a blanket to cover them,” says Leigh Pollio. “That is why we already started knitting for next year´s Mandela day – baby blankets with a hoodie to keep them warm.” We from Coffee capsules direct can only congratulate the entire family on all their efforts. The company with greatest pleasure, will be donating wool again for this year´s blankets! Gaynor, Leigh and Phia, you rock while knitting!